NSG Pilkington: New battery storage system

NSG Pilkington: New battery storage system

NSG Pilkington has partnered with Convergent Energy + Power (Convergent) to provide a battery storage system for its plant in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, which will lower its electricity costs and carbon intensity.

The battery storage installation represents NSG Group’s first cooperation between an energy storage developer and a glass manufacturing plant.

The 5 MW / 10 MWh battery energy storage system is fully operational and uses Convergent’s PEAK IQ proprietary software to reduce the facility’s electricity usage during the most costly, carbon-intensive grid consumption peaks.

In order to achieve the projected savings of ~$450,000 / MW during the 2021 summer, Convergent coordinated with local partners to ensure pandemic-related travel restrictions did not slow down construction while navigating extensive supply chain disruptions.

“Locally, this battery storage system is part of our commitment to support our community in Collingwood and the broader efforts in Ontario to create a more efficient, sustainable grid,” said Ron Young, Collingwood’s Engineering Group Leader.

Time-lapse video of the battery storage construction


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