Environment Theatre


Interested in speaking? Contact Nadine Bloxsome or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Theatre Programme Day One: 28 June 2022

Building a Circular Economy is key to a sustainable supply chain in any industry. This means eliminating waste and turning it into something new, or re-using it. Future-proofing for these sectors also plays a major role in ensuring environmental targets are achieved and goals continue to be met.

This conference area will highlight the importance of recycling and circular manufacturing solutions, as well as offer attendees advice on building a ‘green’ framework they can implement, with the support of Associations and advisors. Sessions will focus on how to close the recycling loop, the demand for low carbon products and understanding policies for material efficiency.

09.00 - 10.30 Welcome Speeches and Keynote Addresses in the Plenary Theatre

Anthony Hobley, Executive Director, Mission Possible Partnership
Lord Adair Turner, Chair, Energy Transitions Commission
Lord Barker of Battle, Executive Chairman, EN+ Group and former UK Energy and Climate Change Minister

11.00 - 12.00 What Will it Take to Close the Recycling Loop? Hosted by Circulor

In an ideal industrial production future, recycled materials will replace all virgin materials and we will design and create products that are easily separated, collected and recycled. The reality is that the details of Europe’s industrial transition to a circular and low-carbon economy are only just emerging, and the dream of “full circularity” is a long way off. These experts will explore what it will take to move from vision to reality.

Moderator: Geoff Scamans, Chief Scientific Officer, Innoval Technology Limited

  • Henning Bloech, Global Director Sustainable Solutions, Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials
  • Suzanne Lindsay-Walker, Vice President - Sustainability, Novelis
  • Rob van der Meer, Industrial Policy Director, CEMBUREAU – The European Cement Association
  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, World Resources Institute (WRI)

12.15 - 12.30 Spotlight Session

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Break

14.00 - 14.30 Cross-cutting roadmap to decarbonisation

14:30 - 15:00 Lightning Talks: Driving Demand for Low Carbon Materials and Products
How are stakeholders in the steel, cement, aluminium, glass and chemicals sectors developing common labelling standards and markets for low-carbon products? These sharp focused talks will help your business future proof and prepare for the low-carbon future.

  • Jean-Marc Moulin, Director of Sustainability - Extruded Solutions, Norsk Hydro
    & Hilde Kallevig, VP Head of Brand and Marketing, Norsk Hydro
  • Jared Braslawsky, Co-Founder and Managing Director, the International REC Standard

15.00 - 15.30 Refreshment Break

15.30 - 15.45 Leading The Way with 'Circular' Production Processes and Approaches

Early-adopter companies are embracing circular economy principles.
How are end buyers collaborating with industry to use fewer materials by design, manufacture longer-lasting products and use materials and resources more efficiently? And what are the lessons learned around putting these approaches into action? How are business models changing?

  • Bettina Siggelkow, Head of Sustainability Affairs, Clariant

15.45 - 16.30 All About Policy for Material Efficiency

Two years ago, the European Commission unveiled its new Industrial Strategy with measures to support industrial decarbonisation and Circular Economy Action Plan to help Europe transition to a more resilient and less wasteful economy. As the plans are translated into legislation and targets, come with your questions for experts who can help you navigate what you need to know about the EU’s next steps, policies and measures for advancing material efficiency in the cement, steel, aluminium, chemicals and glass sectors.

  • Ilhan Savut, Lead Analyst - Circular Economy, BloombergNEF
  • Dr Max Åhman, Associate Professor in Environmental and Energy Systems Studies at Lund University
  • Dr Jörg Rothermel, Managing Director Energy, Climate Protection, Raw Materials, German Chemical Industry Association (VCI)
  • Martin Adams, Head of Health and Sustainable Resource Use (HSR), European Environment Agency (EEA)

16.30 - 17.15 Global Cooperation for Green Industrial Transitions
What is it? Why is it important? And what are governments and stakeholders doing about it?

  • Anne-Claire Howard, CEO, ResponsibleSteel
  • Dr Gokce Mete, Head of Secretariat of the Leadership Group for the Industry Transition (LeadIT) hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Oscar Verheijen, Chairman, GlassTrend Board & Technology & Innovation Manager for Sustainable Glass Production, CelSian
  • Jerome Lucaes, Marketing & Sustainability Director, RUSAL

17.15 - 18.00 How to Transform Supply Chains to Reduce End-Use emissions
How can companies tackle scope 3 emissions? Hear the latest thinking about joint investments and alliances across the value chain. Find out what incentives are needed to get buy-in and multi-partner solutions for zero carbon future supply chains. This is your chance to ask the questions, learn and collaborate with your industry peers.

  • Susanne Naevermo-Sand, Head of Sustainability and Communication, Celsa Nordic

18.00 - Drinks Reception

Theatre Programme Day Two: 29 June 2022

09.00 - 10.45 Speaker Hosted Roundtables - LIMITED ROUNDTABLES AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP
Interactive roundtable sessions of up to 10 delegates offer a unique opportunity to come together with peers to share best practice and develop solutions to critical challenges facing hard-to-abate manufacturing sectors. Each roundtable session lasts for 45 minutes, and delegates may attend up to 2 roundtables.

10.45 - 11.15 Refreshment Break

11.15 - 11:30 From Reforming to Transforming Foundation Industries with Circular Economy Strategies

For sustainability it is essential that average resource use per person is hugely reduced, for example in the UK it has to be halved. This presents a huge challenge for foundation industries and their supply chains. Foundation industries must reinvent themselves with new circular business models.

  • Dr Anne Velenturf, Senior Research Fellow in Circular Economy, University of Leeds and Technical Programme Manager, TransFIRe – the Transforming Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub

11:30 - 12:00 In Conversation With…Companies Leading The Way with 'Circular' Production Processes and Approaches
Early-adopter companies are embracing circular economy principles.
How are end buyers collaborating with industry to use fewer materials by design, manufacture longer-lasting products and use materials and resources more efficiently? And what are the lessons learned around putting these approaches into action? How are business models changing?

  • Babette Pettersen, VP Europe, LanzaTech
  • Gill Scheltjens, Co-Founder and CEO, D-CRBN

12.00 - 12.15 Spotlight Session - AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP

12.15 - 12.45 Ask an Expert: The Future of Carbon Pricing
Led by an industry leader, this session is an opportunity to learn, connect and ask questions related to carbon pricing in the hard-to-abate manufacturing industries.

  • Stuart Evans, Principal, Vivid Economics

12.45 - 13.45 Lunch Break


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