Michael McCoster

Founder and Director

Carbon 8

Mike is fourth generation farmer and has taught farmers about the importance of soil health across Australia, Asia and The Pacific for twenty years. He brings extensive knowledge and insight into farming practices and how they practically work on the ground. Carbon8 is Mike’s brainchild and he is passionate to see it unfold. Mike was an Advisory Member of the Regenerative Agricultural Alliance, Southern Cross University and previously chaired the North-West Catchment Management Committee and was on the Murray Darling Basin Community Advisory Committee. Mike comes from a successful farming background. He has a Cert Ag Prod (Hons) followed by 30 years of experience in farming, farm consulting and regenerative agriculture. Mike has spent time as a registered Brookside consultant and Soil Food web consultant and has trained farmers and agronomists throughout the Pacific, Asia and the America’s. As one of the founders of Carbon8, Mike continues to share with and guide farmers on their journey through the change to work with nature in a fully regenerative model.

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